
About me!

Hi there, and thanks for stopping by! This blog was inspired by one of my nicknames, Little Miss Piggy. I love to cook because I love to eat! I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who will admit to that.

I'm Brianna - redhead, trouble-maker, and connoisseur of everything the world has to offer. I am a business owner, foodie, and oenophile extraordinaire. I love travel, Austria, my little bird, the Lonely Island "Jack Sparrow" song, the color green, and kicking back a few with friends.

My culinary journey started in elementary school. I received an American Girl cookbook as a gift, and with the supervision of my mom, I made dinner once per week. Everything snowballed from there.

I grew up in a very meat-and-potatoes household: my mom was raised on a farm in the midwest, and my dad thinks "vegetable" is a curse word. When I made the decision to go vegetarian in middle school, I had to fend for myself. If I wanted dinner, it was up to me to make it. I soon tired of eating nothing but boxed Pasta-Roni, and my love of cooking began.

My stint as a vegetarian only lasted seven years, but the majority of my meals are still meatless. I have never cooked pork, and can probably count on one hand the number of times I've eaten it in the last ten years. When I do cook meat, it is almost always poultry. Sorry; you won't see many red meat recipes from me!

I am a fat kid at heart. The more cheese in a recipe, the better. And I'm almost always baking something! I try to "slim down" my recipes, but I can't promise they're all healthy.

I also tend toward Mediterranean dishes, or Mediterranean influence. Pasta, olive oil, and feta are three of my staples. You'll never find me without all three!

I apologize for my poor photography "skills" (if they can even be called that). I have a small point-and-shoot camera and rely on my fluorescent lighting more often than not. My photos aren't beautiful, but I hope you'll forgive me! With luck, my skills will develop quickly as time goes on, and you won't be subjected to my awful photography for long.

Thank you again for joining me! I love to get feedback, and I value each and every one of you! :)

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